What to do if psoriasis appears on the scalp?

Psoriasis on the head significantly reduces the quality of human life and requires a lot of effort and money for treatment. The constant struggle with the symptoms of psoriasis and the feeling that you are not like everyone else creates a special psychological problem. This burden is especially difficult for young people who do not yet have a family of their own. After all, people around often perceive the scalp as head lice or think a person is unclean. In fact, lichen planus is non-communicable and appears mainly as an inherited disease.

Causes of occurrence

Psoriasis of the head occurs in children and adults. Its appearance, like the current one, is unpredictable. Scientists still do not understand why and for what specific reason psoriatic rash appears on the human body and affects the scalp. They managed to prove that the appearance of psoriasis on the head and other parts of the body is preceded by a violation of the functions of the epidermis. This happens to the skin after exposure to an external irritant, for example, after using a low quality shampoo or body gel.

Subsequently, it became known that many factors contribute to the development of psoriasis, for example:

  • improper nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • allergic reactions.

This is not the whole list of what can affect the severity of scalp disease.

hair problems with psoriasis on the head

Psoriatic elements on the scalp are formed, as in other localizations, in the upper layer of the epidermis, so they rarely disrupt the growth of individual hairs and provoke their loss.

If you look at it, then all these and others, not mentioned here, causal factors have one thing in common - the ability to negatively affect metabolic processes in the skin. But this is one of the main reasons that causes abnormal proliferation of epidermal cells.

Symptoms of different types of disease

The following forms of psoriasis can appear on the scalp:

  • Vulgar - another name for plaque psoriasis, is diagnosed in 90% of cases. It is characterized by the appearance of small papules and red spots on the scalp. Their surface is covered with dry silver scales that can be easily removed with a nail. The blush elements grow gradually, then merge into one and represent islands with a scaly gray surface.
  • Pustular psoriasis - exudative, considered the most severe form of the disease, manifests itself in small blisters with yellow or transparent contents. The skin below is swollen and hot. If left untreated, it is possible that ulcers that have formed from open blisters can become infected with a bacterial infection.
  • Dot-shaped - develops against the background of a streptococcal infection. The blush elements are teardrop shaped and tend to enlarge.

What does psoriasis look like on the head in different stages

The initial stage of psoriasis on the head most often has symptoms similar to other dermatoses (there are coincidences with common dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, etc. ). Therefore, only a specialist can accurately diagnose the disease in order to then choose an effective direction of treatment.

At each stage of the development of psoriasis on the scalp, the following pathological changes are observed:

  • A small red, itchy, papular rash appears. Its elements are rounded and red or pink. At this stage, a characteristic feature of psoriatic outbreaks is the formation of silvery scales on their surface, which fall off when combed. The inflammatory process is absent, so the patient with psoriasis is irritated only by itching and light peeling of the skin.
  • In the second stage of psoriasis, which in medicine is called progressive, the papules, growing, unite in single islands and cover most of the scalp. Itching of the skin intensifies, which leads to itching and inflammation. In the absence of proper treatment, an infection enters the skin through scratches and causes the appearance of purulent pustules and yellow crusts under the hair.
  • In the stationary phase, when the drugs used have brought the desired effect, the psoriatic plaques cease to increase in size and the inflammation decreases. Due to the exfoliation of the white layer from the surface of the plates, a lot of dandruff is noticed in the hair, the itching becomes less intense.
  • After a while, the plaques on the scalp glow, some disappear without a trace, stop itching. Elasticity returns to the skin. This is what psoriasis looks like in the remission phase.
Symptoms of psoriasis on the head

If it is not possible to stop psoriasis in the advanced stage, the scalp thickens, as a result of which it is easily injured. Psoriatic plaques do not stop growing due to the appearance of new papules. During combing, large flakes of dead skin are removed from their surface, which cannot be completely combed from the hair.

Localization of skin disease

If the psoriatic plaques have formed on the scalp and have affected the entire scalp, then over time they may spread beyond the area of hair growth to the smooth skin of the forehead, to capture the temple area. Psoriasis can appear on the back of the head and on the upper part of the neck, on the skin behind the ears and on their lobes. This form of localization of the disease is called "psoriatic crown".

Diagnostic features

To diagnose the initial stage of psoriasis, it is not enough for a dermatologist to examine the scalp for the presence of small itchy papules or psoriatic plaques. Such rash elements are characteristic of a number of other diseases, therefore, in addition to examining and interviewing the patient, differential diagnosis is mandatory.

This type of examination allows you to distinguish psoriasis on the scalp from other dermatoses, which are also a favorite site of localization of the scalp. It is appropriate to mention here:

  • seborrhea - is dandruff, a consequence of improper work of sebaceous glands;
  • rosacea - characterized by the appearance of papules and pustules on the red edematous skin, as in psoriasis;
  • pityriasis versicolor - affects hair follicles, causes papules around hairs.

When diagnosing psoriasis, the symptoms of the phenomenon, also known as the "psoriatic triad", are taken into account. It includes three symptomatic phenomena:

  • Stearine spot - when a papule or psoriatic plaque itches, its surface becomes white, the scales peel off.
  • Terminal film - the surface of the papule after removing the scales becomes pink and shiny.
  • Bleeding on the spot - occurs after scratching and removing scales from a single papule or psoriatic plaque.

In the process of establishing the diagnosis, the presence of the Kebner phenomenon is also taken into account, when about 15-20 days after the skin damage, a psoriatic element is formed in the affected area. The symptom is characteristic of the progressive stage of psoriasis.

How to get rid of psoriasis on the head

The doctor designs an effective treatment plan for psoriasis taking into account the general health of the patient, the form of the disease and the severity of its course.

The general treatment regimen includes:

  • use of drugs for external and internal purposes (sometimes);
  • compliance with nutrition rules;
  • physiotherapy sessions;
  • preventive hair care.

Psoriasis of the scalp is not dangerous, except for the pustular form of the disease, so some of the procedures prescribed by the doctor can be performed at home.

Which pharmacy medicines help

Preparations for the treatment of psoriasis of the head are described taking into account the stage of development of the disease:

  • Progressive phase. Describe daily scalp washing with a special zinc shampoo, after which a therapeutic lotion or salicylic ointment is applied to the scalp 2 times a day. The means relieve itching, inflammation, help exfoliate dead epidermal cells, strengthen skin blood vessels.
  • Stationary phase. Within 2-3 weeks, 5% lactic or salicylic acid is used to treat psoriatic plaques. Solutions soften the stratum corneum and promote its exfoliation, as well as help other drugs penetrate the affected epidermis. Among them, a naphthalene-based cream improves local blood circulation, soothes the skin and relieves inflammation. Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis containing a synthetic analogue of vitamin D3, which stops the process of division of epidermal cells, contributes to their normal maturation.
  • The symptom relief phase (regression phase) is used to treat the scalp with juniper or birch tar-based balm, shampoo and ointment. The effect of these drugs is aimed at improving metabolic processes and blood microcirculation in the scalp. Purified tar has anti-inflammatory, absorbent, antipruritic and exfoliating effects.

In addition to medication, for people with scalp psoriasis, homeopathic remedies help well during the period when the symptoms of the disease subside. For example, made on the basis of such substances:

  • lanolin (animal wax), which softens the corneal layer;
  • berberine - relieves inflammation;
  • Mahonia Holly extract - prevents immature epidermal cell growth and desquamation.

In severe psoriasis of the scalp, patients are prescribed to relieve inflammation with hormonal tablets, cleansing drops Magnesium sulfate, sodium thiosulfate, immunomodulatory drugs.

How to cure scalp psoriasis with folk remedies

Masks prepared on the basis of herbs, liquid mixtures and decoctions for shampooing will help remove psoriatic plaques from the skin.

Hormonal ointment with celandine


  • freshly selected celandine herb (preferably) - 1 tbsp. l. ;
  • purified fats - 100 g.

How to cook: combine the ingredients, mix well, leave for 3 days in a dark, warm place to inject.

celandine for the treatment of psoriasis of the head

The result: the product softens the corneal layer of the scalp, eliminates itching and slipping, relieves inflammation.

How to use: apply the ointment in a thin layer on the plates for no more than 5 consecutive days, as the composition contains a hormonal ingredient that creates addiction.

Mustard masks for scalp psoriasis


  • mustard powder - 2 tablespoons. l. ;
  • hot water - 2 tablespoons. l. ;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons. l. ;
  • chicken yolk - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons

How to cook: add sugar, mixed with mustard powder, butter and water to beaten egg yolk.

How to use: apply a psoriasis mixture on the scalp, rubbing it, put a cellophane cap on top, warm the head with a towel. The procedure should take at least 15 minutes. The skin will first shake and then start to burn. After the mask, the head is washed with lukewarm water with tar shampoo. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days until the irritation lasts.

The result: the mask reduces itching, causes blood flow to the scalp, improves the local metabolic process and helps soften and exfoliate the corneal layer.

Decoction for rinsing hair after washing


  • amaranth seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • amaranth leaves - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 750 ml.

How to cook: put the seeds in an enamel pot, pour boiling water over them, boil for 5 minutes, add the plant leaves, put them on the fire for 30 minutes. strain.

How to use: rinse hair after washing with medicated shampoo.

The result: hair with psoriasis is combed more easily, becoming soft and silky. In addition, the soup relieves inflammation, strengthens local immunity.

Rules of nutrition

When treating psoriasis of the head, it is important to include in the menu foods that are a source of unsaturated fatty acids (mackerel, sardines, herring, game meat, flax seeds, spinach). You should also eat whole grains and soups (buckwheat, oats, rice), vegetable stews (beets, cabbage, potatoes), fresh berries and fruits, juices, herbal teas, dairy products.

It is recommended that food be cooked by boiling, roasting and stewing. It is better to eat little by little, but 5-6 times a day. Excessively salty, spicy, smoked and fried foods as well as sweets and alcohol are prohibited.

How is psoriasis of the head treated with physiotherapy?

Such an effective treatment as physiotherapy for psoriasis is prescribed at all stages of the disease except exacerbation.

Methods applied:

  • Electrosleep - improves a person's psychological state.
  • PUVA therapy - relieves inflammation, improves the condition of the scalp.
  • Phototherapy - normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, helps prolong remission.
  • Physiotherapy sessions bring the desired result only with regular and correct procedures.

Hair care

When treating scalp psoriasis, the use of cosmetic detergents and hair masks with therapeutic effect is recommended:

  • Shampoo with birch tar and juniper.
  • Healing oils for use in the form of masks (burdock, castor, amaranth, stone, naphthalene, currant, sesame).

With psoriasis, the scalp can be washed daily, the main thing is not to damage the skin until it bleeds while washing.

Lifestyle correction

Since psoriasis is often exacerbated by stress, a good mood helps to combat its manifestations in the head, which every day come only to people who lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

Healthy nighttime sleep is a guarantee of a good mood, so after a hard day, you can get a peony tincture or mother overnight.

Also, psoriasis of the scalp area is afraid of proper nutrition, so you should take seriously the preparation of a therapeutic diet. For this you can consult a dietitian.

The course of psoriasis in childhood and features of therapy

Psoriasis of the scalp in children continues in the same way as in adults, with exacerbations and remissions. For the treatment of psoriatic papules and plaques on the head of a child, the doctor chooses the medication taking into account the age of the young patient and the presence of concomitant dermatological diseases. The initial stage of the pathology is easier to treat, therefore, all procedures recommended by the doctor are performed at home.

In case the psoriatic elements occupy most of the head, then the doctors suggest that the parents place the child in the hospital. Hospital treatment is performed:

  • calcium gluconate - relieves itching, swelling, inflammation;
  • vitamins A, E, D and group B - strengthen general and local immunity;
  • with a disturbed night's sleep, a sleeping pill is prescribed.

During the treatment period, you should take care of the injured scalp of the child with the help of funds prescribed by the doctor.

Can psoriasis be cured forever?

To date, there is no such remedy that can completely cure a person from psoriasis. The most effective pharmacists can offer the patient to temporarily get rid of psoriatic rash are medicines in various dosage forms with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and exfoliating effects. Vitamin D3 has shown its effectiveness, which slows down pathological changes in the skin, as well as a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures.